#Konkurs üçin


The young man was born,
Mother's height
Once it grew, light shone on his face.
He made the nights equal to the day,
Honey and butter were added to every word.

The young man took a step,
For the first time
He was one step away from his mother.
Dreaming of a white road,
Her mother rejoiced and flew like a bird.

The young man played the girl,
It's been a long day,
Bread and salt without remembering.
And the mother smiled and said,
He said, "You're not hungry, do you?"

The young man was angry,
He found a friend,
They hid him around him.
And the mother is the son and the friends
He ran in his service, running and screaming.

The young man came out,
Bring a pencil
I stared into his eyes.
The mother is the son and the daughter-in-law
I sighed and forgot about the pain.

The young man became a father,
Then he became a father,
The sink went to the lake of concern.
The mother looked at him proudly
To his caring, grandson-loving son.

... And so do the boys
As the sun goes down
She opens it from her mother.
Poor mothers still laugh
And let him set off with joy.

Italmaz Nuryev.
12 лайков 118 просмотров
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Автор 09 авг 2021, 06:58

Ýigit dünýä geldi,
Enäniň boýy
Ösdi bir gez, nur çaýyldy ýüzüne.
Gijelerni gündiz edip deňledi,
Bal bilen ýag gatdy her bir sözüne.

Ýigit ädim ätdi,
Ilkinji gezek
Enesinden birje ädim daşlaşdy.
Ak ýol arzuw edip jigerbendine,
Enesi begenip, guş bolup uçdy.

Ýigit oýna gyzdy,
Uzyn gün gezdi,
Gezdi ýada salman duzdur çöregin.
Ene bolsa ýylgyrjaklap geldi-de,
Diýdi: Ajygan-a dälsiň, geregim?

Ýigit jahyl çykdy,
Dost-ýar tapyndy,
Ony gizlediler daşyny gallap.
Ene bolsa oglunyň hem dostlarnyň
Hyzmatynda gezdi ylgaşlap, galgap.

Ýigit ýigit çykdy,
Bir galam gaşlyň
Gözlerine baglap goýdy nazaryn.
Ene bolsa ogluny hem gelnini
Ýüze sylyp, unutdy dert-azaryn.

Ýigit kaka boldy,
Soň ata boldy,
Çümdi gitdi aladalaň kölüne.
Ene bolsa buýsanç bilen garady
Aladaçyl, agtyk söýýän ogluna.

...Şeýdibem ogullar
Gün geçdiksaýy
Enesinden açyp barýar arasyn.
Biçäre eneler şonda-da gülüp
Hem guwanyp ýola salýar balasyn.

Italmaz Nuryýew.
09 авг 2021, 08:18
Dostlukda ýazşaly bu ýere düşnemok
09 авг 2021, 08:45