Iňlis we türkmen dillerinde işlik şekilleri (Forms of the verb in English and Turkmen).
In both contrastive languages the verb is a notional part of speech, denoting an action. (Işlik iki gapma-garşy dillerde-de gymyldy hereketi we özbaşdak many aňladýan sözdür).
Its syntactical function is that of the predicate. (Ol sözlemde sintaktiki taýdan habar hyzmatyny ýerine ýetirýär). The grammatical categories in English and Turkmen can be expressed by means of affixes, inner flexion (change of the root vowel) and by form words. (Olaryň grammatiki kategoriýalary goşulmalar, işlikleriň düýp formasynyň üýtgemegi we olary düzýän sözleriň üsti bilen ýasalýar.
a) The category of person (Işlikleriň şahs kategoriýasy) expresses the relation of the action and its doer to the speaker, showing whether the action is performed by the speaker (the 1st person), someone addressed by the speaker (the 2nd person) or someone/something other than the speaker or the person addressed (the 3rd person).
(Işlikleriň şahs kategoriýasy hereketiň we ýerine ýetirijiniň gürleýäne bolan gatnaşygyny görkezýär, hereketiň gürleýäniň (1-nji şahs), kimdir biriniň (2-nji şahs) ýa-da kimdir biri tarapyndan ýerine ýetirilendigini görkezýär hem-de gürleýjiden ýa-da ýüzlenýän adamdan başga zada bolan gatnaşygyny görkezýär (3-nji şahs).
b) The category of number shows whether the action is performed by one or more than one persons or non-persons.
( San kategoriýasy, hereketiň bir ýa-da birden köp adam tarapyndan ýerine ýetirilendigini görkezýär.)
For the present indefinite tense of the verb to be there are three contrasting forms: the 1st person singular, the 3rd person singular and the form for all persons plural: (I) am - (he) is - (we, you, they) are.
c) The category of tense. The category of tense in English expresses the relationship between the time of the action and the time of speaking.
(Iňlis dilinde zaman kategoriýasy hereketiň wagty bilen gürleşilýän wagtyň arasyndaky baglanyşygy aňladýar.)
In English and Turkmen there are three verbals. In English they are the Infinitive, the Participle and the Gerund and in Turkmen – the Infinitive, the Participle and Hal işligi. (Iňlis we tükmen dillerinde işligiň üç sany nämalim şekilleri bar: Infinitiw, gerundy, partisipl we hal işligi)
The Infinitive. The Infinitive in both languages has nominal and verbal properties. ( iki dilde-de infinitiwiň at we işlik hasiýetleri bardyr).
The nominal character of the Infinitive in English and in Turkmen is manifested in its syntactical functions (Inlis we Turkmen dillerindäki at häsiýetinde gelen infinitiwiň sözlemde şeýle häsiýetleri bardyr:) :
1. As the subject (eýe hökmünde)
To go there tonight was dangerous (Hemingway).
Türkmen ýaşlaryna dünýäniň iň ösen talaplaryna laýyk gelýän bilim ulgamyny elýeterli etmek borjumyzdyr (G.Berdimuhamedow).
1. As a predicative (habar hökmünde)
My intention is to drive a car again (Eliot).
Meniň borjum dostuma kyn gününde
kömek etmek (A. Gowşudow).
2. As a part of a compound verbal predicate.
a)With the modal verbs and modal expressions the Infinitive is used as a part of the compound verbal modal predicate. In Turkmen the Infinitive in this function is used only with the modal verb “gerek”
We can do it tonight (Dickens).
I think she was to leave two days ago (Dreiser).
Düşünjeleriň aýratynlygyny ýüze çykarmagyň özboluşly guraly bolmagy gerek (A. Burunow).
The verbal characteristics of the Infinitive in English and Turkmen are as follows:
1. The Infinitive of transitive verbs can take a direct object
She would like to read books in the original (Galsworthy).
Men kitap okamagy gowy görýärdim (Ş. Atanepesow).
1. The Infinitive can be modified by an adverb (Infinitiw hal tarapyndan hem aýyklanyp bilinýär).
He ordered to drive slowly (Collins).
Ol çalt okamagy öwrendi (Ş.Atanepesow).
2. The Infinitive has tense and aspect distinctions and the Infinitive of transitive verbs has also voice distinctions.
With reference to the aspect the Infinitive has two sets of forms:
Common Continuous to work – işlemek to be working – işläp oturmak
The Passive forms are:
Active- to invite – çagyrmak
Passive-to be invited-çagyrylmak
In Turkmen there is no grammatical form corresponding to the English Perfect Infinitive. Only one Infinitive form, i.e. an ordinary indefinite form of the verb (işligiň nämälim görnüşi) exists in Turkmen, which is formed by adding the affixes “mak/mek” + the personal cases.
Men seniň bilen görüşmegine örän şat (Ş. Atanepesow).
b) The Participle. The Participle in English has a verbial and an adjectival or adverbial character, whereas in Turkmen it has the features of a verb, an adjective and a noun. In both contrastive languages there are two participles – Participle I and Participle II, traditionally called the Present Participle and the Past Participle. SP of English Participle I is the stem of the verb + “ing” (spelling rules should be observed) – writing, putting.
The syntactic functions of the Participles in Turkmen are as follows:
1. The subject
Giden getirer, oturan nyrh sorar (a proverb).
2. An object
Gorkana goşa görner (a proverb).
3. An attribute
Ýeke özüm gelip ölen doganymy we onuň aýalyny äkidip gonamçylykda jaýladym (H. Derýaýew).
4. An adverbial modifier
Sürgün edilensoň, özüňi kim aýajak bolup dur (A. Gowşudow).
The Hal Işligi. Besides the Infinitive and the Participle there is one more verbal in Turkmen which is called the Hal Işligi.
The Hal Işligi is formed by adding the affixes “-yp/ip, up/üp, p, ýyp/ýip; man/män, maýyn/meýin, mazdan/mezden; a, e, ý, maý/meý; yban/ibän, uban/übän, ban/bän; gaç/geç; arkan/erken, ýarkam/ýärkäm”. Some of the mentioned affixes are productive “-yp/ip, up/üp, p, etc. and some are unproductive – “yban/ibän, uban/übän, ban/bän, gaç/geç, ýarkam/ýärkäm, arkan/erken”.
In Modern Turkmen the Hal Işligi is formed by adding the affixes –“yp/ip, up/üp, a, e, ý” to the transitive and intransitive verbs. These affixes are added after the voice forms.
Sometimes the Hal Işligi is formed by adding –“la/le, lap/läp, p” to the cardinal numerals – onlap, ýüzläp.
The Hal Işligi is usually placed before the notional verb.
Türkmen ýaşlary halal, Watanyna wepaly, döwrebap bilimli, sagdyn pikir ýöredýän we jogapkärçiligi duýýan bolup ýetişmelidir (A. Burunow).
“Ejize ganym bolma, gaçany kowujy bolma!” diýip Jygaly beg sargaýardy (“Görogly” eposy).
Similarities and differences between English and Turkmen verbs.According to their morphological composition (structure) verb can be divided into:
1) simple consisting of only one root morpheme (write, know, ýaz, bil)
2) derivative (or derived) composed of one root morpheme and one or more derivational morphemes (affixes) (undo, magnify, kömekleş, awla);
3) besides there are two more groups in English: compound consisting of two stems (browbeat, daydream);
4) composite or phrasal consisting of a verbal stem and an adverbial particle which is referred to as postposition (give up, look for). And as for Turkmen there are some verbs, which consist of two lexical units written separately. Their second part is one of the verbs: bermek, bolmak, etmek, gelmek, etc.
1. The auxiliary verbs are those which have lost their lexical meaning and are used as structural words. Thus they have only a grammatical meaning and are used in analytical forms. Here belong such verbs in English as “to do, to be, to have, shall, will, should, would “in the negative and interrogative forms of the Present and Past Indefinite, the Passive Voice, the Continuous and Perfect tenses, Future Indefinite and Future in the Past, and in Turkmen – durmak, oturmak, etmek, bolmak,” etc. in the group of the Continuous and Perfect tenses:
“My dear”, said Jolyon with gentle exasperation, “You are talking nonsense”
We shall go and have a nap before dinner
Ol Mommada öý gurup berdi
Ol eli pilli, gara der bolup ýördi
By: Otuzova Aybolek- 5th year student of the English language and literature faculty of Turkmen State University
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