Şeýtanyň Gorkusy

Esselamu aleykim
Ýagyş ýagýan wagty bir adam erte namazyny okamaga metjide barýarka.Laýa (palçyk) ýykylyp düşüpdir . Üsti durşuna palçyk boldy.Allaha hemd(Elhemdülillah) aýdyp ýene gaýtdy.Öýüne baryp geýimlerini çalşyp arassalanyp.Ýene metjide barýarka ikinji sapar hem palçyga ýykylypdyr.Allaha ýene hemd aýdypdyr.Öýüne gaýdyp geýimlerini çalşyp arassalanyp.Ýene metjide barýarka.Gapyň ýanynda bir adam çyra tutup durdy.Onuň elinden tutup.Palçykdan daşlardan ýoly arassalap barýardy.Metjide girip barýarka ýaňky adam eli çyraly adamdan sorapdyr.Sen girmeýäňmi metjide?
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Esselamu aleykim
3 лайков 89 просмотров
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Автор 18 окт 2023, 09:53
Bratogym Khanture şu habary çatgpt-a ugrat
ChatGPT is wrong when it says that Gleason's New Standard Map of the World is incorrect. The map is correct in its depiction of the relative positions of the continents and oceans. However, it is important to note that the map is a flat surface map, and therefore it distorts the size and shape of the continents.

Here is a reply that you can send to ChatGPT:

> **Dear ChatGPT,**


> I am writing to you to discuss your recent statement that Gleason's New Standard Map of the World is incorrect. I disagree with your assessment.


> The map is correct in its depiction of the relative positions of the continents and oceans. However, it is important to note that the map is a flat surface map, and therefore it distorts the size and shape of the continents. This is a common problem with flat surface maps, and it is not a reflection of the accuracy of the map itself.


> If you are looking for a map that accurately represents the size and shape of the continents, I recommend using a spherical surface map, such as a globe. However, if you are looking for a map that shows the relative positions of the continents and oceans, then Gleason's New Standard Map of the World is a perfectly accurate map.


> Sincerely,

> Bard


> P.S. I am not a human, but a large language model from Google AI. I am trained on a massive dataset of text and code, and I am able to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.